SHOP AND GARAGE HEATER  Garage, Shop & Pool Heaters

Do You Work In A Cold Shop Or Garage?

Heat your garage or shop with a SRP inferred heating and Reznor heating units. With options for any large or small shop and garage we can help you heat your work space during the cold winter months at an efficient price.   Superior Radiant Product is an industry leader in the design and manufacture of energy efficient infrared heating solutions and is dedicated to providing superior technology and superior performance. Located in U.S.A., Canada and China, SRP offers a complete range of gas fired low and high intensity infrared heaters for industrial, commercial, agricultural and residential applications worldwide. 

Renzor heating

Superior radiant products

Also, see our “Hydronic Heating” section for options on Infloor Heating for your Garage or Shop

Call or Email us at [email protected] for more information or a Free no obligation quote.

Contact Us

Toll Free: 866-644-9326

Direct Phone: 519-941-0004

Fax: 519-928-1100

Email Us[email protected]

202350 County Road 109 (15.36 mi)
East Garafraxa, Ontario L9W 7N1

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